Category Archives: FaithSnap News

What’s a “faith snap”, anyway?

boys-friends-walk-sign-CAN-BEEye see faith walking!

“We live in a visual world”, commented one of my Facebook friends, recently.  So true, and it’s so easy to take photos these days on every kind of device imaginable!  What makes a “faith snap” any different from the myriad of photos circulating?  I don’t have a great camera, and I really don’t need one for the kind of graphics I have in mind.  In fact, I would probably just drop or lose a fine camera in the field somewhere!  For me, and now for my grandchildren, it has become kind of contagious to look for iconic thoughts and moments that might be fit for a scripture, an inspiration, or just an advertisement.  It’s fun, it’s habit-forming, and it lifts my spirit.  You probably have a bunch of faith snaps in your photo inventory, too, if you “see faith walking” … Eye bet you do!


FaithSnap Kids Intro

Open for Business!

I couldn’t be prouder or happier to introduce FaithSnap with the help of my grandkids, Sage and Micah, who bring the kind of energy and youthfulness to my work that will also benefit those who participate in FaithSnap resources.  The web site is up and running, “Open for Business”!   Come and see, leave a comment, suggestion, idea – whatever you have on your mind.  Let’s get “snap’in'”!
